Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunny and 74 in Hotlanta

I'm writing this outside while sitting on the deck and the sun is washing out my screen making it difficult to see. Shorts and a T shirt are comfortable. What's that? Freezing rain in Columbus?Too bad so sad, huh? The party last Saturday was a great time. Met some great people and had many laughs. Sunday was a wash though. I must have stayed up too late. Finally connected with the Bollig clan for dinner last night. They are long time friends from my childhood and they put me up for a while when I moved to Nashville all those years ago. It was great to see them again. Funny as ever. If I stay in town I'll make it to their holiday party this Saturday for sure.
I'm staying in Alpharetta this week and am going through my guide book to find fun things to do. Going to the gym in the am has been nice as it is a target rich environment if you know what I mean. That will be a daily routine. If any of you are familiar with Atlanta and have ideas of things to do, let me know.

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