Left Denver this morning at 6:30 am to try and beat rush hour. On the way out of Ray's drive I saw a coyote walking around. He darted across the street when I got close then I saw a rabbit run across the street the other way and the chase was on. COuldn't stick around though - time to go! I felt pretty good as I wipped through town without a delay. Karen took me through Fort Collins for some reason. That crazy Australian. Made great time till I got outside of Laramie, WY. The weather turned and traffic stopped. For two hours. Roads were wicked for a few hundred miles. Hit Utah and the weather got nasty again. Followed Karen again as she took my to East Big Cottonwood Canyon Road which is the entrance to Brighton Ski Resort. Now, I saw a few signs that said something about "When this light is flashing, 4 x 4 or chains are required" It was flashing. Do you think that stopped me? Hell no!!!! Onward ho, damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead!!!!
About 5 miles in (up a steep canyon road mind you) the snow started coming down harder. And harder. The road was trashed and I was tearing right through it. Up until 8 miles when I couldn't keep a straight line. I pulled into a pub to check directions. I gave them the address and they never heard of it. Said it didn't sound right as the numbers were off. So I took off (as I entered the road it was uphill and I started sliding backwards) and drove all the way to Brighton. Walked around and asked three people. Once again, no help. Drove to Solitude - no help. There was a truck in the parking lot with 6 feet of snow on the roof - hmm....warning sign perhaps?
So I made my way back down to keep looking for the elusive 10976 when I passed one of the only drives which had been cleared. I tried to stop and turn but I slid right on by. Turned around at the pub again and made the turn into the drive. About 20 feet down I realized it was a private residence (a very nice one at that) and tried to stop. Slid down the entire drive until I stopped by their front door. Turned around (barely) and tried to exit. Up the hill. Covered in snow. Not gonna happen. Sat in the car and laughed. Thought about it and finally got out and knocked on the door. The couple who answered were surprised to have company. I explained the situation and Mt Roberts siad "I'll get you out" he proceeded to get into his 6 wheeled front end loader / snow thrower tractor (one of the coolest toys I've EVER seen) and I hooked a tow roap to the bottom and he pulled me right up the drive. I determined who we were renting from and he knew the guy - the Announcer for the Utah Jazz - and offered to drive me to the house. So that's how I found the place. Oh, his wife, Pam, is from Bryan, OH so he said he was obligated to help me.
I'll take pics later - time for a glass (or two) of wine and some hot tubbin'.
And maybe I'll stop at Wal Mart tomorrow and buy some chains.
Good grief! if you decide to move to Utah/Colarado, I think you should consider buying a Monster Truck. There might not be much left of your poor car when you're finished with your travels...
Anyway, we are lovin' your blog entrees, very entertaining!
Zig - Haven't I taught yet about the mountain weather conditions here? And the stories I've shared.........as well as the set of chains in the trunk of my car??? Some day you'll listen:-)
Have fun dude. Can't wait for you to get back to Denver and hitting the Ski Train to Winterpark for some snowmobiling or skiing.
Son, I know I told you to get chains. You have no idea how lucky you are to be running around in that wimpy car in the middle of that awesome country and in the middle of real winter!! Thank God for nice people willing to help you out. Can't you just light somewhere safe and hang around for the rest of the season??
Love you, Mom
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